The Picadilly Equestrian Team at Picadilly Equestrian is entering our 1st year of competing as a team this season. We pride ourselves on being a supportive, successful, and diverse group of riders of all levels, and we are excited to be in the arena this Fall for a competitive season.
We compete in the Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) program, a national inclusive equestrian association providing opportunities for riders grades 4-12. IEA allows students to engage with the equestrian community and continue developing their horsemanship skills. IEA is open to all equestrian athletes regardless of financial status and riding level in order to encourage students to become part of a team. Picadilly Equestrian is a new team this year, thus, most of the financial demands of traveling, competing, and attending shows fall on individual team members, which is why our sponsors are so essential to our organization. Your partnership is essential to fulfill the IEA goals of making equestrian sports accessible for 4-12 grade students. As a team, we strive to foster a strong sense of teamwork, friendship, and good sportsmanship as well as build an expertise in solid horsemanship.
On behalf of the Picadilly Equestrian Team, we would like to invite you to become a Corporate or Community Partner for the 2024-2025 season. Your generous contribution is vital to our team and we look forward to establishing a mutually beneficial partnership. Please see the attached list of partnership levels and how the team can in turn support your company and/or brand. Donations of any amount are appreciated and make a significant difference to the Picadilly Equestrian team. Please complete the interest form on the last page of this packet and return it at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you!
Partnership Levels
Gold Partner
Contribute $1,500 or more and receive the following benefits:
‣Priority placement of company logo and/or name on team website
‣Priority placement of company logo/name on team show banner displayed at competitions
‣Individual social media post
‣Priority social media tags in team posts
‣Team ¼ zip jacket
‣Certificate of appreciation
Silver Partner
Contribute $500 - $1000 and receive the following benefits:
‣Placement of company logo and/or name on team website
‣Placement of company logo/name on team show banner displayed at competitions
‣ Social media tags in team posts
‣ Your choice of a team hat or t-shirt
‣Certificate of appreciation
‣Placement of company logo and/or name on team website
‣Placement of company logo/name on team show banner displayed at competitions
‣Social media tags in team posts
‣Certificate of appreciation
Bronze Partner
Contribute $250 - $500 and receive the following benefits:
Brand Partner
Donate products or discounts and receive the following benefits:
‣Placement of Company logo and/or name on team website
‣Social media tags in team posts
‣Certificate of appreciation
Family Partner
Donate up to $200 and receive the following benefits:
‣Family name on team website
‣Certificate of appreciation
After you donate please fill out the sponsorship form so we can get in touch with you so we will have the information necessary to market you along with our team. Thank you!